Does April Fools’ Allow Corporations to Fool Rule 10b-5?
By: Kylie Runkle* PDF Available April Fools’ Day is a day of jokes, but what if a corporation’s jokes lead...

A Constitutional Tightrope: Release Time for Unionized Public Workers Hangs in the Balance
By Alethea Chaney* PDF Available When public sector unions come to the bargaining table with the government, they often walk...

AI-Generated Review Summaries: A Game-Changer or a Gimmick for Amazon Shoppers?
By: Justine Pearson* PDF Available Would you be surprised if I told you that this article title was created by...

State Economic Freedom: How Taxes, Regulation, and Government Oversight Are Changing the Economic Hotbeds of the United States
By: Andrew Ellingsen* PDF Available It is often said that people vote with their feet. This means voters will express...

The Impact of the Corporate Transparency Act on Businesses
By: Ivana de la Rocha* PDF Available Privately-held companies in the U.S. have long enjoyed a great degree of privacy...

Less Food and Higher Costs: Corporations Are Behind the Rising Costs at Grocery Stores
By: Paul A. Abdou* PDF Available With egg prices increasing by over 32.2 percent, there is no doubt that the...

Winds of Change: The Rise of the Chinese Yuan and Its Potential Impact on the Global Financial Market
By Zisheng Xing* PDF Available Ever since the Bretton Woods Agreement established the international monetary system after World War II,...

True Hollywood Story: Investors Sue Celebrities for Bad Investment Advice
By Roshin Bhangoo* PDF Available The FTX crypto platform fiasco is a prime example of how individuals can exploit new,...

Sunny Dispositions: Solar Panel Installations and Effects on the Arizona Real Estate Market
By Kelsey Fischer* PDF Available Every homeowner can attest that a highly determined sales group will come knocking at your...

Dog Eat Dog World: The First Amendment and Trademark Implications of VIP Products v. Jack Daniel’s
By Matthew Holt* PDF Available For over fifteen years, VIP Products (“VIP”) has sold rubber dog toys resembling an assortment...