Robinhood Restricts Trading of “Meme” Stocks: Legal or Illegal?
By: Alec Carden *
On January 28, 2020, Robinhood placed trading restrictions on the stocks of several companies.[1] Traders were prevented from buying stocks like GameStop, AMC, and Bed Bath & Beyond. [2] Robinhood justified its actions in a blog post stating that its “clearinghouse-mandated deposit requirements related to equities increased ten-fold. And that’s what led [it] to put temporary buying restrictions in place on a small number of securities that the clearinghouses had raised their deposit requirements on.”[3] To put it simply, by restricting trading, Robinhood saved itself from collapse.[4] Over the next few weeks, over ninety lawsuits were filed against Robinhood by users.[5] And the question is whether any of these users will be able to recover damages for losses they incurred as a result of Robinhood’s actions.
Various members of the legal community have commented on the likelihood of Robinhood users being able to recover, and the consensus among legal professionals is no.[6] Brokerages typically have board discretion to limit trades pursuant to their user agreements.[7] And Robinhood’s user agreement clearly states it “may at any time, in its sole discretion and without prior notice to [users], prohibit or restrict [users] ability to trade securities.”[8] While some users are likely to be mad as a result of the sudden restrictions, the user agreement clearly states that Robinhood was permitted to restrict trading.[9] The user agreement is a contract; thus, the contract said it could do this.[10]
Still, user agreements are not “always an absolute protection from aggrieved clients.”[11] It depends on the particular situation that occurs.[12] For example, there could be liability if a brokerage allowed trading by “some clients but not others.”[13] Additionally, many lawsuits are also alleging negligence on the part of Robinhood, some are even alleging violations of various states’ laws, and a few are alleging securities law and antitrust law violations.[14] While it is too early to know whether any of these lawsuits will actually be successful, it is troubling that a brokerage may be able to, by way of a simple user agreement, deprive retail investors of access to the open-market while hedge funds and institutional investors can still access it.[15]
*J.D. Candidate, Class of 2022, Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law.
[1] Oscar Gonzalez & David Priest, Robinhood Backlash: Here’s What You Should Know About the GameStop Stock Controversy, CNET (Feb. 5, 2021, 5:00 AM),
[2] Id.
[3] Robinhood, What Happened this Week, Robinhood: Under the Hood (January 20, 2021),
[4] Matt Egan, The ‘Enormous Catastrophe’ that Robinhood Only Narrowly Avoided, CNN (Feb. 18, 2021, 4:36 PM),
[5] Megan Leonhardt, Robinhood Now Faces Roughly 90 Lawsuits After GameStop Trading Halt—Here’s How Customers Might Actually Get Their Day in Court, CNBC (Feb. 17, 2021, 3:04 PM),
[6] Chris Dolmetsch, Christopher Yasiejko & Christian Berthelsen, Robinhood Users Suing Over Trade Limits Face High Legal Bar, Bloomberg (Jan. 28, 2021, 9:47 AM),
[7] Egan, supra note 4.
[8] Tom Hals, Analysis: Robinhood and Reddit Protected from Lawsuits by User Agreement, Congress, Reuters (Jan. 30, 2021, 5:20 AM),
[9] Egan, supra note 4.
[10] Hals, supra note 8.
[11] Dolmetsch, supra note 6.
[12] Id.
[13] Id.
[14] Leonhardt, supra note 5.
[15] Gonzalez, supra note 1.
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